Welcome to the Savannah office of The Center for Digestive & Liver Health. Our physicians and team are proud to serve The Hostess City and be a part of this community.
- Address
- 1139 Lexington Avenue
Suite A - Savannah, GA 31404
- Phone & Fax
- 912.303.4200
- 912.790.2701

Are you trying to schedule a colonoscopy?
If so, we encourage you to complete a short questionnaire to see if you qualify to skip the pre-procedure office visit.
Or Continue to Schedule AppointmentHours
Monday – Friday
8:00 am - 12:00 pm
1:00 pm – 5:00 pm
Closed Saturday and Sunday

Our office is located near Memorial Health University Medical Center.

There is an open parking lot around the building.
Parking is free to all patients.